
Galveston Bay report card helps advocates push for citizen investment

HARC in the News


By Colleen Ferguson, Community Impact

Through outreach efforts related to Galveston Bay’s annual report card, leaders at research company Houston Advanced Research Center and nonprofit Galveston Bay Foundation are working to encourage citizens to maintain Galveston Bay’s health.

The 2021 report card, using data from 2020, was released Sept. 28 by the GBF and the HARC and places the bay at the same overall health rating of C for the seventh consecutive year.

Many state agencies were not able to collect data in 2020 due to the pandemic, HARC research scientist Erin Kinney said during a Nov. 18 webinar.


Today’s Galveston Bay is resilient, and we hope to keep it that way.

Dr. Erin Kinney, HARC