HARC is well positioned to operate as the administrative management organization for large, multidisciplinary projects.
We have over two decades of success in providing research management organization (RMO) and project administration (PA) Services, and four decades of positive annual independent audits. Our research and administrative teams are well-versed in federal grants and contracts, and we have the necessary systems and policies in place to effectively and successfully manage RMO and PA work.
Contact UsEntities: DOE/RPSEA
Total project costs: $10M
Contract period: 3 years
HARC served as the research hub for a collaboration of 20 different organizations, including nine universities and one national laboratory, to investigate the potential environmental and financial benefits of implementing new technologies at oil and gas drilling sites, focusing on commercialization potential.
Entities: USFWS/Harris County
Total project costs: $3.2M
Contract period: 2 years
HARC led the multidisciplinary research effort involving partnerships with seven organizations (including three universities) to identify and mitigate air quality problems in the Greater Houston area.
Entities: City of Houston
Total project costs: $7M
Contract period: 3 years
HARC entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Houston to provide research support for a variety of City initiatives. As a result, HARC was positioned and able to step directly into the RMO role for the City when it was awarded the EECBG program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Under that award, HARC issued RFPs, evaluated bids, selected contractors, provided project oversight, prepared financial reports and requests for reimbursement, and synthesized program reports for the City and the federal government. The City’s EECBG program ultimately included seven different initiatives, involving almost twenty subcontractors and dozens of building contractors.
Entities: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
Total project costs: $30M
Contract period: 5 years
HARC was selected as the RMO to administer the State of Texas NTRD Program. HARC contracted with 54 different organizations, each performing unique, specific scopes of work to bring to market new technologies that reduce diesel engine emissions. The subcontractors were primarily for-profit companies, but also included four universities and two nonprofit organizations.
Entities: TCEQ
Total project costs: $11M
Contract period: 3 years
HARC was selected as the RMO to manage the State of Texas Air Quality Research program, which involved 56 subcontracts to 11 different universities and several other organizations. In addition to overseeing the many subrecipients, HARC’s role was to synthesize the results and to educate a range of stakeholder groups.
Entities: Texas State Energy Conservation Office/Industry Sponsors
Total project costs: $405,000
Contract period: 5 years
Working with several fuel cell manufacturers, HARC installed, operated, and monitored several distinct brands and types of fuel cells to evaluate their comparative efficiencies and reliability as a component in the mix of renewable energy sources, reporting the results to a wide range of stakeholders.
Coordination and submission of all funding proposals
Project planning and implementation
Contracting with sponsors (funders) and partner organizations
Periodic reporting, i.e., synthesizing technical progress reports from partners into combined reports for sponsors
Coordinating project team meetings as needed
Financial management, including payment of partner organization invoices and submitting reimbursement requests to sponsors
Compliance monitoring to ensure research activities confirm to grant requirements
Project close-out, including submission of final reports, and budget reconciliation and closing