
Publications & Media

Flaring Issues, Solutions, and Technologies (F.I.S.T.)


Clean Energy

Energy Resilience

Client / Funder
  • Department of Energy
  • Canonsburg, PA
  • Denver, CO
  • Houston, TX
  • Midland, TX

Analysis and Recommendations

HARC launched the Flaring Issues, Solutions and Technologies (FIST) 2019 project in late 2018 with the objective of evaluating the current state of technologies addressing flaring of natural gas at wells sites through a series of stakeholder workshops across the U.S.

An update of HARC’s 2015 white paper, ‘Recommendations to Address Flaring Issues, Solutions and Technologies’ is now available as a result of this project.

Through a series of workshops held across the U.S., we explored needs, opportunities and technologies, as well as some of the barriers for adaptation of flare mitigation processes. This project and updated paper is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DE-FE0031691.

The Flaring Issues, Solutions and Technologies (FIST) – 2019 project’s overall objective was to evaluate the current state of technologies addressing flaring of natural gas at well sites.

The workshops spanned across the major shale plays and centers of operations so that participants could explore specific needs and issues associated with operations related to monetizing natural gas at the wellhead.

Download:  White Paper Recommendations to Address Flaring Issues, Solutions and Technologies

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