
Reports: Development rules still fall short after Hurricane Harvey

HARC in the News


By Emily Foxhall, Houston Chronicle

The Greater Houston Flood Mitigation Consortium released dual reports - HARC staff contributed to both.

Development regulations to limit flooding in the Houston region have improved but continue to fall short, with insufficient detention requirements that can put homes at risk and a patchwork of rules that could better be aligned across jurisdictions, according to two research reports released Monday.

Hurricane Harvey prompted officials to take a hard look at the regulations that govern development in this rapidly growing area. The city and county changed their rules for some new construction, but local researchers say more should be done. READ MORE

Wedding more accurate risk mapping with regulations and standards that acknowledge a wider array of challenges and inform residents about those risks can help reduce the number of residents in harm’s way and lessen the impact of storm events.

Greater Houston Flood Mitigation Consortium