
Houston Advanced Research Center shifts research to COVID-19 effects

HARC in the News


By Vanessa Holt, Community Impact

The change in travel habits following stay-at-home orders issued in late March has spurred the Houston Advanced Research Center to begin analyzing how closely those orders were followed as well as how these new patterns could affect air quality and energy use in the region. Created in 1982 by The Woodlands founder George P.

Mitchell, HARC began as a nonprofit technology incubator and research facility. This focus shifted in 2001 when it began to instead focus its research on sustainable development in the fields of air quality, clean energy and water.


With this ongoing study, the region will have a better understanding of how effective the messaging and directives were in influencing mobility and whether this behavior modification ultimately impacted a flattening of the curve or helped to lessen COVID-19’s spread.

Lisa Gonzalez, President and CEO, HARC